All our skill surrounded by the beauty of these places.
From the first wine in 1987 to last year’s vintage, we have always only produced what we like. A choice that immediately required us to take account of what we had and what was missing in order to make it. Transforming what was not there, or couldn’t be transformed, into our strength, also through radical decisions, uprooting and replanting when required. Seeking balance in the vineyard and in the cellar, with a fixed idea about quality, about the production of great red wines. Choices that after thirty years have created the distinctiveness and character of our wines.
50 wines
that have
changed Italy.
Gambero Rosso November 2006:
number 178, year 15 of the magazine.
A historical edition, because in it Gambero Rosso declares its love for 50 great Italian wines, after a persistent courtship, lasting 20 years and with tastings by the panels entrusted with drawing up the guide. The book includes wines that over time were awarded the three glasses several times and, numbers being equal, the best average in hundredths relating to the winning vintages. 50 wines selected in over 200,000 tastings: if an elite of Italian oenology exists, this is it.
Number 20 is a wine that, according to the authors-compilers, “has always been marvellous”: Il Rosso dell’Abazia Serafini & Vidotto.